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Picky Eating  | Rodriguez Speech

Picky Eating

Poor Weight Gain  | Rodriguez Speech

Poor Weight Gain


Picky Eating

When do my child’s picky eating habits progress to the point of seeking professional help?


Poor Weight Gain

What is Poor Weight Gain?

Poor weight gain is also known as failure to thrive. Failure to thrive is a diagnosis used to indicate inadequate physical growth—in regard to weight or rate of weight gain—when compared to other children of similar age and sex. The majority of pediatricians will diagnose a child when their weight falls below the fifth percentile of the standard National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) growth chart, or if the child’s weight crosses two major percentile lines.

As a parent or caregiver, ask yourself: has my child exhibited:

•Weight falls lower than the third percentile, as outlined in standard charts
•A less than fifth percentile weight for height measurement
•Growth that has slowed down or stopped after a previously established growth curve

Are You or Your Child Having Difficulty:

Our speech therapists use professional techniques to improve speech clarity and teach oral structural placement to clients who struggle to produce or imitate speech sounds using traditional auditory or visual input. We focus on giving you or your child the necessary tools and strategies needed to communicate their needs, ideas, and thoughts to the world.

Together we will determine individualized goals and a plan of action according to you or your child’s needs. Our speech-language pathologists will work closely with you, the parents, and additional caregivers throughout therapy, ensuring everyone is working together towards the primary goal.


Our speech therapists use professional techniques to improve speech clarity and teach oral structural placement to clients who struggle to produce or imitate speech sounds using traditional auditory or visual input. We focus on giving you or your child the necessary tools and strategies needed to communicate their needs, ideas, and thoughts to the world.

Together we will determine individualized goals and a plan of action according to you or your child’s needs. Our speech-language pathologists will work closely with you, the parents, and additional caregivers throughout therapy, ensuring everyone is working together towards the primary goal.

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Feeding and Eating


Below are some notable behaviors:
•Consuming less than 20 foods
•Mealtimes are a consistent battle
•Ongoing inability to gain weight (dropping percentiles, or losing weight)
•Frequent gagging, choking or coughing during meals
•Avoidance of foods of a specific texture (crunchy, soft, purees, etc.)
•Avoidance of foods from a nutrition group (meats, fruits, vegetables, etc.)
•Difficulty transitioning to purees by 10 months, or table foods by 12 months
•Difficulty transition to drinking from a cup by 16 months

A few questions for parents:
•Does your child have a hard time sitting at the table for meals?
•Does your child eat meals separately from the rest of the family?
•Does your child only eat with a distraction (an iPad/device, toy, or book)?
•Is your child very brand-specific about which foods they will eat?
•Does their food need to be prepared in a very specific way?
•Does your child get very upset when new foods are presented on their dish?

If the answer, or answers are yes, you are not alone! We have a community of professionals to work with you and your child to support them in eating nutrient-dense meals.

If the answer, or answers, are yes, you are not alone! We have a community of professionals to work with you and your child to support them in their weight gain journey.

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